Monday, March 17, 2014

Privacy and The Internet (first posted on May 18, 2010)

Privacy and The Internet
I am perplexed by the notion of privacy on the Internet. The law in the United States protects against illegal search and seizure, that law does not apply to data. The Internet is designed to broadcast throughout the world. One would not seek confidentiality in a place intended for sharing. There is knowledge that has remained buried for many years; it was never placed on the Internet. Governmental, medical, business and educational institutions are responsible for securing our personal data that is input onto their networked systems. Nothing, once it leaves you, is sacred. The best use of the Internet is to broadcast and to share data. In an earlier discussion we stated that, 'Nothing should be done on the Internet, that would not be done in a court of law'. This statement still stands true.

Google and privacy-the government has access to all data searched on Google. After 18 months, Google anonym-izes data, but a person can still be tracked through discarded records. All searches are connected to your IP address. Googles states that no one owns posted data.

InPrivate is Microsoft's answer to privacy, but it entails numerous keystrokes. Every keystroke is recorded by the computer, even deletions. The computer stores deleted files until they are written over.

Seek privacy within yourself, not on the Internet. The Internet holds numerous breach opportunities, even with encryption.

What are your thoughts on Privacy and The Internet?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It is important that we educate. Please go to to dispel rampant rumors that HTML is a disease...

Monday, March 3, 2014

March | Women’s History | Ann McCormick

In the 1990s, Ann brought the Hoods Project to Harlem, USA as a new systematic method to improve young black men’s comprehension skills. She has worked with technology industry giants of the Apple Education Foundation and the National Science Foundation.

For her leadership in Technology Design and Implementation
The Harlem Internet Computer Access Project
Professor Ann McCormick
Women’s History Month 2014

Ann has dedicated her life in service to others. She is treasured by both children and professionals. She meets students at their level, even if it means her getting down on the floor with them. Her philosophy is to bring the student from elementary to PhD level. Professor McCormick worked over two months in China assisting in opening a new school for girls. She is now that schools Virtual Principal.
Ann is the founder and CEO of Learning Friends and the Learning Company, which sold for $660,000,000.00.
 Ann supports equity in technology access for all; working internationally with Latin America, Finland, Japan, Singapore, etc.
Ann McCormick is a:
  • Reading and Math Software Designer
  • Pioneer in the Software Industry
  • Virtual Reality Strategist
  • Education Futurist
  • Technology Marketing and Sales Expert
  • Learning Fun Enthusiast, Industry Leader
Ann’s latest project involving educational software, children and the alphabet, is set to launch this month.
The site has been launched. This is the place to learn how to read!
Check out some of Ann’s amazing accomplishment at: