A Festival of Lights is herald in by lighting eight candles in celebration of Chanukah from December 8 through December 16th in 2012.
The United States celebrates the five day Hindu light festival called Diwali, which explodes in pyrotechnics on December 12th signifying the triumph of light over darkness, intelligence over ignorance....
We then decorate every thing in sight with LED lights in preparation for the Twelve Days of Christmas beginning on December 25th.
The day after Christmas is a week long lighting of symbolic candles in the Kwanzaa tradition beginning December 26th until January 1st. As clocks struck midnight through each time zone fireworks erupted in celebration of the New Year.
All of this illuminated beauty culminates on January 6th with the Epiphany, Three Kings Day also known as the 'Day of the Lights.'
May your New Year be illuminated...