Sunday, October 21, 2012

How to use

The site that you are on will be used to transmit general information about the Harlem Internet Computer Access Program—HICAP, and give Internet Society updates This page will no longer carry educational information.
To access current HICAP educational discussions and relevant information, go to:
All posts are in alphabetical sequence. New Students please read the facts written in white; followed by the pink supplemental lessons.
Advanced Students' base knowledge allows them to go directly to facts written in blue, utilizing the white writings as a refresher.
If you have questions or need translation for any language, e-mail me: or call: 347.871.8675.
Because I reside in North America, my real-time reference for science based aurora and meteor sightings is from this perspective. Data shared on HICAP sites is for the expressed purpose of promoting further investigation by the reader.