Monday, October 31, 2011

HICAP Offers Free Internet & Computer Access

For many years, the Board of Directors' at the Chauncey Hooper Towers located at 10 West 138th Street in Harlem have offered computer and Internet access to anyone who required that service. Although there are ongoing classes weekly, if the need to use a computer to take care of business or just to look something or someone up, the computer lab is available to Senior Citizens and persons with assistive needs...all are welcome at HICAP!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Seniors and Technoloy

Senior Citizens come to HICAP-Harlem Internet Computer Access Program-not only to utilize a computer and access the Internet, they also build their technical and scientific vocabulary in our hands-on, stress-free environment.
Computer Class for the 2011-2012 Session began October 7, 2011. Our discussion included:

  • Computer memory

  • Internet sends/receives data

  • Cloud Computing

  • USB

  • Hertz

  • Bytes

  • RAM

  • C: Drive