Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Joly McFie of ISOC wrote:

Harlem Internet Computer Access Project - Now christened with the handy acronym HICAP - Merle Bush's ISOC funded effort to bring Internet literacy to seniors in Harlem is on track,and we are just in the process of purchasing the first round of hardware. Something she is needing are good ergonomic & comfortable chairs that are suitable for her client. If you know of any going spare, or any other good quality equipment, particularly laptops -please feel free to get in touch direct.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Preparing for Report

Today technician installed router and software resulting in excellent signal in HICAP lab.

Would like to include in our March Report that we have lab up and running, preparing for the HICAP Open House and Registration on March 5th at the latest.

Currently compiling list of interested senior citizen from the Harlem community to participate.

Preparing invitation and flyer with date T/B/A.

Met with Richard Lobosky about Muratek prices and specs.